Asheville Marriage Counseling

70 Woodfin Place, Suite 232 Asheville, NC 28801
70 Woodfin Place Asheville North Carolina 28801 US

Troubles in our marriage or relationship hit us hard. Really Hard!

And it’s no wonder if you’re deeply shaken or anxious when your marriage is changing and not feeling as stable or dependable.

Very likely you’re both having some unusually intense emotions, such as anger, anxiety, fear, confusion, and resentment… or perhaps the opposite reaction of shutting down, feeling numb, or tiptoeing around each other.

Having waves of emotion or pulling within when you’re having marriage or relationship problems is absolutely normal. It’s an early warning and self protection system built into our brains to alert us when something valuable or crucial to our well-being is at risk.

So yes, intense emotions or withdrawing are normal reactions… but they also make managing these challenges much more difficult and sometimes, impossible. When emotions run high our brains literally shift into a different mode… and we’re simply unable to think as clearly.

Yes, our emotions are important and natural, but without knowing how they function and how to manage them, they can quickly cloud our judgment, result in uncensored words and actions, and literally switch off our ability to communicate in an effective or constructive way.